The evolution of a project in glass and photography


First try….

I couldn’t wait to make something with a piece of the new fabric made from my photos, so this morning I got out a needle and thread and got to work. Now, many of the women in my family (including my mother who still does some sewing and even made my wedding dress as well as a few others) are or were great in the sewing arts…not me.  That gene totally skipped me. So putting something together with fabric and thread is a bit of a challenge, and, since I don’t sew, I don’t have a sewing machine.  Slippery fabric and hand stitching….but I did it!  Add to that the fact that I start ed about 6:30 this morning and you can understand why I don’t want anyone to look too closely at this first bracelet. But, it shows just how excited I am by this new material!  Here are some pictures. Remember, 6:30 AM, needle and thread, slippery fabric, non-sewer who is very excited to see the finished product.





2 responses

  1. Kim, you are a wonder! Beautiful job! You do too have some of the sewing genes…..


    January 3, 2015 at 9:00 pm

    • Thank you, Tess! Good thing most of the stitching is on the inside so no one can see it (and it’s OK since this one will be mine).


      January 3, 2015 at 11:47 pm

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